Posts tagged ‘solidão’

Sad as the beginning of spring

Could there be a solitude that had no value to it? There is only one solitude; it is vast and hard to bear. How often do…


Como pode ser isso

No mundo todo não há nenhum sítio para mim. Exilado aqui, no planeta Terra, sou um estranho entre estranhos. Um estrangeiro entre a raça dos homens.…


Begónias +

Mentha cervina É a Hortelã-da-ribeira. No Dias Com Árvores. Mais uma argolada do Dr. Roy Spencer Um dos poucos ainda a publicar na literatura científica opiniões…


I became irrelevant

Solitude did increase my perception. But here’s the tricky thing—when I applied my increased perception to myself, I lost my identity. With no audience, no one…



I hold this to be the highest task for a bond between two people: That each protects the solitude of the other. — Rainer Maria Rilke


The Innovation of Loneliness

Excelente filme resumindo e ilustrando a TED Talk de Sherry Turkle.


Aprendendo com Kurt Vonnegut

What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible…
